Academic Articles & Essays
Hunter, J.D. “Culture Wars: The Endgame,” The Hedgehog Review, 26, 3, Fall, 2024, pgs. 20-27.
Hunter, J.D. "The Denial of the Moral as Lived Experience," The Hedgehog Review, 26, 1, Spring, 2024, pgs 20-30.
Hunter, J.D. "A Guerra Cultural Continua," Political Culture Review, Salvador, v. 15, 1, 2022, pgs.22-62.
Hunter, J.D. "Dissent and Solidarity," The Hedgehog Review, 22, 3 (Fall) 2020, pgs. 20-30.
Hunter, J.D. and Paul Nedelisky, "The Calculus of Ought," The Hedgehog Review, 22, 2, (Summer) 2020, pgs. 50-57.
Hunter, J.D. "The Priority of Culture," The Hedgehog Review Reader: Two Decades of Critical Reflections on Contemporary Culture, Jay Tolson, Editor. University of Virginia Press, 2020.
Hunter, J. D. "Evangelicalism: A Retrospective," Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 58, 4, (December) 2019, pgs. 924-926. A theoretical comment on a symposium on my early work on American Evangelicalism, with contributions by Christian Smith, Nancy Ammerman, Lydia Bean, and Brian Steensland, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 58, 4, (December) 2019.
Hunter, J. D. "The Deficient Animal," The Hedgehog Review, 21, 1 (Spring) 2019, pgs. 62-67.
Hunter, J.D. "Liberal Democracy and the Unravelling of the Enlightenment Project," The Hedgehog Review, 19, 3, (Fall) 2017, pgs. 22-37.
Hunter, J.D. & Paul Nedelisky, "Where the New Science of Morality Goes Wrong," The Hedgehog Review, 18, 3, (Fall) 2016, pgs. 48—63.
Hunter, "Educating Citizens in America: The Paradox of Difference and Democracy," in Religious Education and the Challenge of Pluralism, Adam Seligman and Robert Hefner, Eds. New York: Oxford University Press, 2014, pgs. 193-215.
Hunter, J.D. "An Uneasy Co-Existence," Society: Volume 51, Issue 2 (2014), Page 120-125 7 Berner, A. & J.D.
Hunter, J.D. "Law, Religion, and the Common Good," Pepperdine Law Review, (Volume 39) 2013, pgs. 1065-1082. (Originally given as the Louis Brandeis Lecture, February 2012.)
Hunter, J.D. "Thrift and Moral Formation." In Moral Culture and American Capitalism, Joshua J. Yates and J. D. Hunter, Editors. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2011. Pgs. 242-263.
Hunter, J.D. "Polarization and the Crisis of Legitimacy," The Hedgehog Review, 12, 3, (Fall, 2010). Pgs. 62-64.
Dill, Jeffrey S. and J. D. Hunter. "Education and the Culture Wars: Morality and Conflict in American Schools," for the Handbook of the Sociology of Morality, Steven Hitlin and Stephen Vaisey (eds.) New York: Springer, 2010. Pgs. 275- 292.
Hunter, J.D. "The Culture War and the Sacred/Secular Divide: The Problem of Pluralism and Weak Hegemony," Social Research, 76, 4 (Winter) 2010. Pgs. 17-34.
Hunter, J.D. "Wither Adulthood?" The Hedgehog Review, 11, 1, (Spring) 2009. Pgs. 7-17.
Hunter, J.D. and D. Franz. "Religious Pluralism and Civil Society," in A Nation of Religions, Steven Prothero (ed.) Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2006. Pgs. 256-273.
Hunter, J.D. "Introduction" Philip Rieff, Sacred Order/Social Order: My Life Among the Deathworks, Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2006. Pgs. xv-xxviii.
Hunter, J.D. "The Discourse of Negation and the Ironies of Common Culture," The Hedgehog Review, Winter, 2004; Pgs. 24-38.
Hunter, J. D. "Beyond Individualism?" The Hedgehog Review, Spring, 2002; Pgs. 42-48.
Hunter, J.D. "Virtue… On the Cheap," Society, 39, 3, (March/April) 2002; pgs. 42-53. Republished in Therapeutic Culture: Triumph and Defeat. (Jonathan B. Imber, (ed.) New Brunswick: Transaction Books. 2004. Pgs. 215-240.
Hunter, J. D. and Joshua Yates, "The Vanguard of Globalization," in Peter L. Berger and Samuel Huntington, eds, Many Globalizations, Oxford University Press. 2002.
Hunter, J. D. "Beyond Debate," The Responsive Community, 11, 1, Winter, 2001, pgs. 76-79.
Hunter, J. D. "Leading Children Beyond Good and Evil," First Things, May, 2000, pgs. 36-42.
Hunter, J. D. "When Psychology Replaces Religion," The Public Interest, 139, Spring, 2000, pgs. 5-21.
Hunter, J.D. "Religious Authority, Fin de Siècle," The Partisan Review CLXIV, 2, (Spring) 1997, pgs. 4-20.
Hunter, J.D. "Der Amerikanische Kulturkrieg," Die Grenzen der Gemeinschaft, Peter L. Berger (ed.) Verlag Bertelsmann/Club of Rome, 1997, pgs. 29-84.
Hunter, J.D. and D.C. Johnson, "A State of Disunion?" The Public Perspective, February/March 1997, pgs. 6-38.
Hunter, J.D., "Remembering Durkheim," Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 35, 3, 1996 pgs. 246-248.
Hunter, J.D. and Joseph Davis, "Cultural Politics at the Edge of Life," Journal of Policy History, Vol. 7, No. 1, 1995, pgs. 103-127.
Hunter, J.D., James L. Nolan, Jr. and Beth A. Eck, "Is`Nothing' Sacred?: Sacred Cosmology Among the Avant Garde", Lawrence Greil and Thomas Robbins (ed.) Secular Religion and the Social Order, New York: JAI Press, 1994; Reprinted in Michael Wick (ed.) Konfigurationen lebensweltlicher Strukturphänomene: Soziologishe Varianten Phanomenologisch-hermeneutisher WelterschlieBung: Leske & Budrich, 1997. pgs. 336-331.
Hunter, J.D. and Kimon Howland Sargeant, "Religion, Women, and the Transformation of Public Culture," Social Research, vol. 60, no. 3, (Fall, 1993).
Hunter, J.D. "What Americans Really Think About Abortion," First Things. June, 1992.
Hunter, J.D. and M. T. Fessenden, "Moral Entrepreneurs and the Changing Face of American Capitalism," in Peter L. Berger and Hansfried Kellner, (ed.) The New Technocrats, New Brunswick: Transaction Press, 1992.
Hunter, J.D. and John Rice "Religion and Pluralism: The Changing Alliances," in Alan Wolfe (ed.) The Restructuring of American Society. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1991.
Hunter, J.D. and James Hawdon, "Religious Elites in Advanced Capitalism: The Dialectic of Power and Marginality," in Wade Clark Roof (ed.) World Order and American Religion, New York: SUNY Press, 1991.
Hunter, J.D., "Religious Freedom and the Problem of Modern Pluralism," in James Davison Hunter and Os Guinness, (eds.) Articles of Faith; Articles of Peace: The First Amendment Religion Clauses and American Public Life, Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1990; Reprinted as "Religion and the State: The Problem of Modern Pluralism," in The Brookings Review, Spring, 1990, pp. 20-27.
Hunter, J.D., "Fundamentalism in its Global Contours," Norman Cohen, (ed.) The Fundamentalist Phenomenon: A View from Within; A View from Without, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1990, pp.56-72; Published in a modified form in "Fundamentalism and Social Science," David Bromley (ed.) Religion and the Social Order: New Developments in Theory and Research, New York: JAI Press, 1991.
Hunter, J.D. "The Williamsburg Charter Survey on Religion and Public Life," Spring, 1988, 40 pages. The Journal of Law and Religion, Vol. 3, #1 & 2, 1990, pgs. 257-277.
Hunter, J.D. "America's Fourth Faith: A Sociological Perspective on Secular Humanism," This World, 19, 1987, pgs. 101- 110.
Hunter, J.D. "Religious Elites in Advanced Industrial Societies," Comparative Studies in Society and History, 29, 2, 1987: 360-374.
Hunter, J.D. "American Protestantism: Sorting Out the Present, Looking Toward the Future," This World, 17, 1987, pp. 53-76; Reprinted in Richard John Neuhaus (ed.) Believable Futures of American Protestantism. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1988.
Hunter, J.D. "The Modern Malaise," in James Davison Hunter and Stephen C. Ainlay (eds.) Making Sense of Modern Times: Peter L. Berger and the Vision of Interpretive Sociology. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1986, pp. 76-100.
Hunter, J.D. "Conservative Protestantism," in Phillip E. Hammond (ed.) The Sacred in a Secular Society. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1985, pp. 150-166; Revised for "Conservative Protestantism on the American Scene," Social Compass, 32, 1985: 233-244.
Hunter, J.D. "Religion and Political Civility: The Coming Generation in American Evangelicalism," Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 23, 4, (December, 1984), pp.364-380.
Hunter. "On Maintaining Plausibility: The World View of Evangelical College Students," Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 23, 3, (September, 1984), pp. 221-238.
Hunter, J.D. "The Liberal Reaction to the New Christian Right," in Robert Liebman and Robert Wuthnow (eds.) The New Christian Right: Mobilization and Legitimation. New York: Aldine, 1983, pp. 149-163. Hammond, Phillip E. and J.D.
Hunter, J.D. "The Perils of Idealism: A Reply," Review of Religious Research, 24, 3, (March, 1983), pp. 267-276.
Hunter, J.D. "Operationalizing Evangelicalism: A Review, Critique and Proposal," Sociological Analysis, 42, 4 (1982) pp. 363-372.
Hunter, J.D. "Subjectivization and the New Evangelical Theodicy," Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 21, 1 (March, 1982) pp. 39-47.
Hunter J.D. "The New Religions: Demodernization and the Protest Against Modernity," in Bryan R. Wilson (ed.) The Social Impact of the New Religious Movements. New York: Rose of Sharon Press, 1981, pp. 1-19.
Hunter, J.D. "The New Class and the Young Evangelicals," Review of Religious Research, 22, 2, (December, 1980), pp. 155- 169.